Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Little white Windbreaker

This is a gift from Uncle Siew Hong and Auntie Irene when they went to Taiwan. Do I look angelic in it? Next time I go travelling to other colder countries, I can wear it. I better tell Daddy and Mummy to plan for a trip soon, before I outgrow it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Red Cap

This is the little red woolly cap that Kor Kor Hei Kern bought for me all the way from China. Do I look like a little Mongolian? That's what my grandpa said.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bye Bye Baby Cot

As we are moving house and I have not been using this baby cot anymore, Mummy decided to 'get rid' of my baby cot... I was a bit nostalgic apart parting with my cot who has been my sleeping partner since I was born. 17 mths to be exact. We manage to sell it to a young couple thru Ebay who is expecting a baby next year. Hope the little one will enjoy the cot as much as I did.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome to my new blog

Hello everyone, welcome to my new personal blog! For those uncles and aunties who have supported my blog 'alantanjunior' blog, I wish to thank you very much and look forward to your continuous support in my blog specially created with my NAME - Tan Wee Kian.